
Helping AEs Get More Meetings Means More JOs and Weekly Gross Margin

The office manager holds onto a resume while speaking with the new intern they are considering.

Staffing Account Executives are under intense pressure to get meetings and fill jobs. So many IT staffing firms hire inexperienced AEs, who face unyielding KPI pressure while learning the business basics. That is just the beginning of their challenges.

So many IT hiring managers hold the opinion that staffing is more of a commodity than a service. Some will insist that all staffing firms are all the same, so hitting a target of 10 meetings a week is no layup for even an experienced AE. The less experienced ones often find themselves out of the staffing industry within 4 years because they can’t hit their numbers. All of their productivity starts with getting meetings.

TechScreen has the world’s only platform that lets a recruiter create, conduct and a detailed technical interview without needing to be technical. Executives assume that our platform is exclusively a tool for recruiters. We have come to realize that it is just as powerful a tool for AEs to do their jobs.

Our Revenue, Ramp & Retention program provides reports, tools and training on how to use our interview platform to get far more meetings. Recruiters use the platform to screen candidates. AEs will use the platform as a door-opener by asking a prospect, “Can I show you how our technical interview platform works?”

We let staffing firms white label the product and anyone who has ever been a client bought into the idea that doing a technical screen had value. You have or had a proven enterprise SaaS product at your fingertips, but it was likely not used in any way by the AEs. The 3R program will put AEs in a position to present a compelling value proposition: “Do your other staffing vendors do detailed technical interviews for you? If not, don’t you deserve that level of service?”

We embedded the TechScreen Certified Recruiter training program inside the tool. Tell prospects they should be doing business with you because your recruiters have the world’s largest technical reference library at their fingertips. So many people complain that recruiters can’t screen for technology. Use that premise as the reason they need to do business with you. We are handing you a demonstrable competitive advantage just by having a login.

The 3R program is intended to give client Account Executives a portfolio of tools designed to help them get more meetings. So many staffing firms build their pitch around their client list, the aggregate industry tenure of the founders, or some case studies, but none of that focuses on what’s in it for the client.


Here are the components of the program:


Branded Pitch Materials

We create a branded PowerPoint deck that shows screenshots of your TechScreen instance with narration and animation so the AE doesn’t need to remember or perfect the pitch. Show clients your SaaS platform, a copy of the PDF listing the 120 IT skills in your library, and your Interview Report that is generated after a completed interview.

Training slides can produce a qualifying question if the candidate doesn’t have time to interview.

Email DRIP Templates

We have scripted a 3-email cadence that are intended to illustrate the firm’s screening capabilities and efficacy. Each email has a specific attachment to help build the case. One email will have an example of the interview questions and answers, so the prospect can see how a non-technical recruiter could keep up with the conversation. The second email will have a copy of the firm’s knockout ratio report and the third email will have a PDF deck showing examples of how the TechScreen Certified Recruiter training slides can be used like a flashcard to ask a quick qualification question. Sometimes the candidate doesn’t have the time to go through the full, formal technical interview. These “Knockout slides” let you get some confidence before submitting a candidate, even if the candidate only has a few minutes to give a recruiter.

Internal Deck for Hiring

There are 6 tangible benefits of using our platform, for both recruiters and Account Executives. Recruiters benefit from the technical screening platform and online technical training. Consistently using the training slides will cultivate something we call Conversational Competence and the database becomes more valuable over time as a sourcing tool. AEs will use the platform for prospecting and job intake calls. This deck is meant to be used in your internal hiring process so you can show candidates that your firm offers tools that give you a competitive edge over other agencies.


10 Custom Interviews

We will create Custom Interviews that cover a wide range of popular candidate profiles. It takes time to get comfortable in creating detailed Custom Interviews by using our library of 120 IT skills. In light of this, we will create interviews like “Front End Java Developer”, “Full Stack .NET Developer” or “Cloud Engineer. We will put the interviews on your team’s landing page, so recruiters will have one-click access to a vetted technical interview. AEs will be able to use these as conversation starters with managers by sending a copy of the Q&A and asking, “Would these questions be on target to support your position, or would you like to swap in some of your own questions?” We give you a reason to start a dialogue with a hiring manager in a way that separates your firm from all the competition.

We keep track of how many interviews are started and how many are ended early, which shows the percentage of candidates our clients are eliminating on technical merit.

Candidate Rejection Reports

We track the number of times a recruiter starts an interview and how many times they end the interview early. The delta between the two gives us the client’s candidate rejection ratio, which shows prospects that you are actively looking to shield them from candidates who would waste their time. Client AEs will get a monthly update on their team’s performance so they can demonstrate to customers and prospects their team’s screening efficacy. Our clients tell us that one of the greatest benefits of our platform is that it helps call out many of the “fake candidates” that are a plague to the industry.

Formal Training

We will provide detailed training for staffing Account Executives on how to get greater engagement with prospects using our platform. We provide the materials that focus on the benefits for the client and we will teach AE’s the many ways to create a dynamic user experience for the hiring managers. We will show users how to illustrate separation for your firm compared to traditional IT staffing firms. Send a screenshot from the training content and tell the manager, “Our recruiters have deeper technical insight than other shops because we give them an entire ecosystem of technical content that lets them generate screening questions, whether the candidate has a half hour to spare or two minutes.”

Live Support

We offer live support sessions every Tuesday and Thursday at 1 EST, so users can bring any of their challenges to us for direct assistance. So many training programs are one-and-done sessions where you have to commit everything to memory. We give your AEs a live resource to help them craft their value proposition. They can get our help but also hear from other users who may have confronted the same issue your person is experiencing. We can make suggestions your people may not have thought of in regard to getting a hiring manager’s attention.

Staffing firm owners often wrestle with hiring senior vs. junior/entry-level salespeople. Hiring senior people comes with less risk but at a much greater cost. It is also harder to attract these people in big numbers because many are reluctant to leave a large book of business knowing that they are dealing with non-competes. Hiring newbies is much less expensive, but it means higher risk and more training. The owners and managers have to commit major amounts of time and training to position an entry-level AE to be successful. We offer them an active lab so they can drive more revenue.

Legendary sales trainer Tom Hopkins championed an approach to sales that could be summed up in two words: SHOW BENEFIT. The 3R program is meant to give the IT Staffing industry a set of tools and training that arms an AE with the ability to lead with a “show benefit” value proposition.

Mark Knowlton is the CEO & Founder of TechScreen