
Hiring has always historically trailed the economy. HR professionals tend to err on the side of caution when committing resources to adding headcount and we have been seeing this in action ever since the Pandemic. No one can predict what the economy is going to do in the future, but companies can do something now that has concrete benefits instantly and in the future.
Companies have spent vast amounts of money on sourcing and job distribution tools as AI has been injected into a majority of HR Tech tools.

However, economic prudence says now is the time to slash spending on these tools and harvest the goldmine companies have been benignly ignoring: Their own ATS.

LinkedIn gets $10,800 per seat for LinkedIn Recruiter when billed monthly. Companies spend about $4,000 per hire, so it is time for them to start monetizing their significant investment in filling their Applicant Tracking Systems.

Recruiters are asked to fill roles as quickly as possible, but in the push to fill seats, there are tons of solid candidates who simply get overlooked. A corporate recruiter typically carries a workload of 15 requirements and they have to make sure they load-balance their submittals to ‘cover’ everything. Having ‘candidates’ stacked against a position in an ATS doesn’t mean they will be contacted immediately.

Covering reqs mean some get overlooked

Let’s say a Recruiter has an attractive front-end Java developer position that draws a massive number of applicants. They also have a Data Engineer position that has a challenging range of specific legacy technologies, which gets very few candidates. The recruiter contacts 10 of the first 50 applicants to the front-end role and quickly finds six worth sending to the manager. They feel no need to contact any of the other 117 people who have applied because the manager for the Data Engineer position is already complaining to the VP of Talent Acquisition about having 1 submittal in 3 weeks.

This is just one use case for one IT Recruiter, but it happens to every IT recruiter. Every company has scores of solid candidates for every IT position who simply never get reviewed because they applied after the recruiter has sent enough candidates to generate a hire.
Companies use a tactic called the ‘Evergreen’ position to help them maintain pipelines for roles for which they frequently hire. They often keep these job postings up to keep a stockpile of candidates with desired skills, but that doesn’t mean these candidates are getting contacted quickly or at all. Do the math.

‘Evergreen’ candidates can get lost

Imagine a company attracts 100 candidates per month for every ‘Evergreen’ job posting they have and they have 10 different Evergreen roles. This means a company can attract 12,000 candidates on Evergreen roles per year, most of whom may never get contacted. That doesn’t even consider the uncontacted candidates who applied after the assigned recruiter had a robust pipeline of people sent to the manager. It is common for a company to keep a job posting up until the candidate starts, so the silently ignored latecomers continue to pile up as the 5-6 semifinalists get booked for their on-sites.

Imagine how many uncontacted candidates are rotting in an ATS, and here is the real tragedy: Every one of them cost money to get there. TechScreen’s AI Verify gives companies an ideal solution that would let them slash costs in sourcing and job posting while increasing the value of their ATS.

AI can scale your screening

AI Verify is a proprietary platform that can process a live verbal conversation and compares the candidate’s replies to a curated database of provably true statements about IT topics like Java, .NET, etc. It generates a Verinalysis report, which contains a detailed analysis under each question so a manager can review the candidate’s explanations of the topics covered. AI Verify effectively turns a non-technical recruiter into an Engineering Manager with two clicks. No technical knowledge or technical recruiter experience is needed. A user just needs to be able to read English and click a mouse.

A 5-question Standard interview is pre-built and could be conducted in 3 to 6 minutes, so it would be a slam dunk for a recruiter/intern/anyone to screen 8 to 10 candidates per day. Hire 10 interns to create 15-minute blocks on their calendars and interview candidates using AI Verify. They could screen 1,600-2,000 previously uncontacted candidates per month and it would only consume around 25% of their time. None of them need to have an IT Recruiting background because AI Verify accurately assesses and summarizes a live verbal interview on the fly. Now you have a documented screened candidate for a recurring hire role who can be contacted in the future.

Companies have poured billions of dollars into filling their Applicant Tracking Systems since they started using them to facilitate hiring. It is time to start reaping some ROI on that mountain of cash by rapidly qualifying the scores of candidates who are sitting in the ATS surrounded by cobwebs.

About TechScreen

TechScreen was created based on the idea there was a problem with properly vetting technical candidates. TechScreen, powered by AI Verify, is the world’s only SaaS product that lets a recruiter or hiring team conduct a detailed interview of an IT candidate without truly knowing the underlying content. Each candidate is also evaluated and scored by our artificial intelligence. While also providing a detailed write-up to share with your client to prove the quality of your technical screening. Learn more about what we do and visit us today at or contact us at .