
Our Client Realized Staffing’s Holy Grail

Our client realized staffing’s Holy Grail

It’s nice when your expectations are exceeded, but it is truly rare when they go beyond your most wildly optimistic ambitions. I was checking in on clients last Friday and I caught one who had a real issue. He said he was frustrated by the process one of his customers insisted upon, one that involved […]

Training Can’t Stop For IT Recruiters

By Mark Knowlton IT Recruiters have a unique set of challenges among knowledge workers. With minor exceptions, most people enter IT Recruiting through one of the following paths: Get hired at an agency right out of college Transition into an agency role as a career-changer from some other sales or administrative role. Corporate TA departments […]

Helping AEs Get More Meetings Means More JOs and Weekly Gross Margin

Staffing Account Executives are under intense pressure to get meetings and fill jobs. So many IT staffing firms hire inexperienced AEs, who face unyielding KPI pressure while learning the business basics. That is just the beginning of their challenges. So many IT hiring managers hold the opinion that staffing is more of a commodity than […]

Technical Literacy Within IT Recruiters’ grasp

By Mark Knowlton IT recruiters have a thankless job and are often the butt of jokes and insults from the technical professionals who frequently seek their assistance. Acquiring meaningful technical knowledge takes more time than most recruiters have or are willing to sacrifice. Plus, the universe of IT knowledge is so vast, knowing where to […]

TechScreen’s Becoming IT Staffing’s Training partner

By Mark Knowlton IT staffing firms have no shortage of challenges in trying to deliver services to their clients. Buyers often look at staffing firms like they are commodities because of their sheer numbers and the fact that the industry does see a fair amount of turnover. New hires are pressured for immediate production, hitting […]

IT Staffing Needlessly Suffers Terrible Margins

By Mark Knowlton The expression ‘you get what you pay for’ seems widely applicable, unless you ask someone who buys IT contract services. IT Staffing firms often hear gripes from clients regarding the fees or contract mark-ups they are required to pay. The analysis usually goes no deeper than “You bill me $100 an hour […]

Empowering IT Recruiters With Free Training

By Mark Knowlton TechScreen was first launched in 2016 as a way to give IT recruiters a more reliable means of engaging with hiring managers and candidates. We are proud of our track record of helping clients qualify IT candidates and requisitions over the last 5 years, but today’s extraordinary times are artificially impacting employment […]