
AI fills recruiting funnel, but fails in helping manager pick finalists

By Mark Knowlton

The HR Tech universe has been in overdrive the past few years, injecting AI into every kind of product to automate some part of the Recruiting process.

A query into Chat GPT generated 15 different Recruiting tasks that get automated with AI, something you can see in the illustration above. Most of them relate to Recruiters filling their pipelines, referred to as “top of the funnel”.

Making an offer is the objective of the hiring process, but no one is facilitating the most important part: Helping the manager select the finalists.

That is the point, people. Make it slam-dunk easy for the manager to cherry pick the most qualified IT candidates based on evidence.

Our AI Verify is used by Recruiters but it is built to help managers pick a shortlist of finalists who deserve an onsite invitation. Which is more important: Filling the top of the funnel or making a shortlist of finalists?

The resume is essential in the hiring process, but it does nothing to reveal evidence of the candidates’ competence and insight. The manager is forced to make educated guesses when they read a resume, a document they are trying to reject as quickly as possible. Many of the tools making it ‘easier’ for managers to evaluate candidates often undermine the selection and hiring processes.

Assessment tools inject time

The Assessment category of HR Tech tools has 3 buckets: Coding exercises, online quizzes and interactive interviews that leverage video, chatbots or avatars. The coding challenges can take a manager between 30 minutes and 5 hours just to create and it can take between 5-45 minutes per candidate to assess results. This is just the beginning of how assessments undermine the velocity and volume of the hiring process.

There have been numerous studies that show developers often withdraw from the process in silence when they see the link to a coding exercise. Video interviews require time-consuming analysis, whether it is automated by AI or done manually. Most assessment tools trivialize the time they require of a manager.

Our Verinalysis report gives a manager a written analysis of a candidate’s insight in answering detailed technical questions related to the job. A manager can glean qualifying evidence of a candidate in a fraction of the time it would take them to scan the chronological job history on a resume. AI Verify makes it fast and easy for a manager to see which candidates should be on the short list.

Resumes shouldn’t determine ‘fit’

Making an offer is the objective of the hiring process. What process step has greater consequence than finding the 3-5 most qualified candidates to be considered? We will let other vendors jam the top of the funnel. We will help the manager put a laser pointer on the people worth their time.

The resume has been the fulcrum of the hiring process for as long as companies have been advertising jobs. Hiring IT professionals has draped an opaque cloak over the process, making it harder for the resume to serve as ‘evidence’ of a candidate’s worthiness of being a finalist. The only thing a resume shows is that a candidate appears to be ‘in scope’ for a role, not necessarily ‘qualified’ for the role.

Recruiters, managers use resumes differently

Recruiters and managers have become adept at finding ‘fit’ based on the construct of the resume, but that’s only because no one else is injecting qualifying evidence into the process. A manager might read a resume to see where a candidate worked and went to school, but they would have to read a Verinalysis report to see how much insight they revealed by describing Garbage Collection in Java.

Resumes do not serve the same purpose for Recruiters as they do for managers, but they have been treated is if the two use cases were identical. Recruiters cast a wide net and the resume serves as a solid starting point. A manager cares most about competence, experience and fit and the resume does almost nothing to present evidence underlining those factors. The resume is the starting point for a recruiter’s discovery, but it gets forwarded to a manager to use the document for the same purpose. The premise is absurd on its face.

The Verinalysis gives managers evidence of a candidate’s technical insight on topics related to the job’s deliverables. Nothing is more important. HR Tech may still always focus on helping a recruiter fill their funnel. TechScreen’s AI Verify cares more about helping a manager fill a seat.

About TechScreen

TechScreen empowers recruiters to actively help a manager select the right IT candidates for hire. TechScreen, powered by AI Verify, is the world’s only SaaS product that lets a recruiter conduct a detailed interview of an IT candidate without knowing the underlying content. Our Verinalysis report presents an analysis of the candidate’s performance in a technical interview. Learn more about what we do and visit us today at or contact us at